Company offsite events deliver business objectives & enhance team cohesion. Our offsite events take place in inspiring locations, with group activities & dinners, meetings in unique venues and opportunities to mix socially.

Focusing minds offsite

Offsite events cross into the territory of incentive travel and meeting events. Part fun, part business, the company offsite is tasked with delivering business objectives and boosting the team dynamic. The combined schedule of work and play can really deliver results.

The concept is to take onsite minds offsite, to invigorate them. Break with daily familiarity, problem-solve, and build teams in an off-site location. The results can be startling - teams gel and intractable problems are solved offsite.

Where to offsite

To elevate minds, some offsites head to the mountains. Rarified, frigid air, dramatic vistas and often the option for time on the snow deliver shared experiences and challenges. Corporate ski trips with a meeting element are highly effective events.

The backdrop doesn’t need to be sheer granite. Innovative cityscapes with remarkable meeting venues, historic Venetian halls, rooms with views over French vineyards – all make the break with the onsite routine.

what is a company offsite?

A company offsite is a corporate event where staff gather outside the office. It is part meeting, part social event. It is intended to deliver on corporate objectives such as team building, planning (strategy and communication), and training. Additionally, offsite events offer the chance to network with colleagues, build team cohesion, and recharge individuals. Successful offsite event programmes include a good mix of meetings and activities, with group dinners and plenty of social interaction.

Corporate offsite events can vary in location and duration. Some are single-day events that take place close to the organising enterprise. However, most involve at least one overnight stay. Some of the best locations across Europe offer the organisation a real break from office routines. Some offsite events feel like a corporate retreat for larger teams rather than just senior management.

company offsite locations

Company offsite events can be held close to an organisation’s office, allowing ease of access and, in some cases, a reduced financial outlay. In most cases, the attending team will arrange these offsites, assuming that they are on their patch.

We offer corporate offsites that tend to be a little further afield. Making the effort to travel to more unfamiliar locations helps with the break of routine. In many cases, the costs of overnight offsites are comparable with those in London, for example.


Spain has superb weather and flight connections and offers excellent options for company offsite events.

The cities offer fantastic nightlife, culture, historic meeting venues, and a wide range of activities.

Coastal company offsites offer thrilling group activities, meeting rooms with views over the ocean, pool and beach parties and the chance to escape to a retreat.

People at a beach party


Italy, home of La Dolce Vita, is one of the most remarkable corporate event destinations on the planet.

Dripping in history and oozing style, Italy offers some otherworldly meeting venues. The social aspect of an offsite event doesn’t disappoint either – food and wines from the top table, scenery to die for and skies as azure as their flag.

Italian offsite events are possible in cities, lakes, mountains, or on sun-drenched coasts.

Tenors singing to an audience in a villa


Fringed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is a superb destination for company offsite events.

The cities offer fantastic venues - a mix of traditional spaces adorned with ceramics or modern venues flooded with daylight. Retreats in remote locations on the wild coast or inland in the mountainous interior are also possible.

Unique cuisine, fine wines and superb activities are all part of a corporate offsite event in Portugal.

Group of people on a beach ready to start surfing


Norway is all about Nordic allure and staggering nature. It is a country of superb design and jaw-dropping locations.

Company offsites in Norway can take place in the welcoming, vibrant cities or amongst the pristine nature of the mountains or coast. Meeting venues in Norway can be genuinely breathtaking.

Norwegian event activities are unique and special, whilst socially, Norway is a remarkably hospitable country.

People standing on a ridge on the coast of Norway

Organise your corporate event with us.

Email or call us on +44 (0) 20 8123 7817.

Please provide a little information, and we can begin to develop some initial ideas for you.


Corporate offsites are well suited to the ski event format. The Alps offer some absolutely incredible meeting spaces, whether above the clouds on a mountaintop or in the charming villages that occupy the valleys.

Activities are mainly snow-based but non-skiers have many options. There are few better places for team cohesion than an après ski terrace at 16:00.

Skiers dancing on tables at apres ski