Jan. 17, 2025

At this time of the year, meetings take place on cloud-piercing peaks, elevating minds and leaving clients in awe. Yet there are meeting rooms and venues below the waterline to keep attendees stimulated and engaged, Meeting venues are sustainable and offer great branding opportunities.

Pure Berlin

Berlin delivers a face of Germany that few first-time visitors expect. This is a city of art and expression, where historic landmarks line the city’s streets, parks and waterways. So, when an indoor swimming pool fell into disrepair, architects took an innovative route over demolition. The Pool is a meeting space in a repurposed indoor swimming pool. The fixtures and fittings are all there, just not the water. It is an inspirational venue with presentations taking place below the waterline and the audience located on a stepped platform.

Thinking inside a pool

A pool beneath the water was always a mysterious world in childhood. The exposed pool fabric is fascinating, with most of the original fittings being

far removed from a conventional meeting room. The result is an inspiring space, a confusion of settings which stimulates minds and frames any presentation in a unique way. Problems are solved creatively when we feel inspired and such an unconventional setting allows delegates to think outside the box. Irrespective of the subject matter, the meeting setting and presentation will be etched, long-term, into the minds of the attendees. There are many meetings that fall far beneath such achievements.

Branding opportunities on a unique canvas

Beyond the obvious swimwear company photoshoots, there are endless branding opportunities in such a wildly creative venue. The Pool is a canvas which could host numerous industry segments and product categories. The venue is the stuff of album covers and whilst it would be a challenge to get an Audi in the deep end, the creative possibilities are numerous.

A masterclass in sustainability

The Pool is a repurposed venue. It fell into disuse and could easily have been flattened. Yet this is a structure that was an integral part of the fabric of Berlin, and it remains so - its building is a reminder and continuation of the past. What also remains is an expression of Berlin’s quirky and unique culture, a people that find a way to adapt and utilise. The Pool is a totem of sustainability and a stunning part of Berlin's meeting and conference infrastructure.

Seats in a swimming pool meeting venue
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Germany incentive travelBerlin incentive travelmeeting roomsConferences
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